Frequently Asked Questions
For Landlords
One of the most important aspects of making your experience as a landlord rewarding is placing the right tenant in your property. While no one can discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, and familial status, we can discriminate on the basis of credit and rental history.
Once we have an application generated from our marketing efforts we conduct a detailed background check on the applicant. To reduce the possibility of being deceived by an applicant, we use a multi-tiered background check to cross-reference each applicant. Our background checks consist of:
A picture ID of the applicant
We pull a copy of their credit report, including their Empirica Score
We check to see if the applicant has had eviction warrants filed against them
We confirm their residency history
A thorough background check is crucial to avoid costly mistakes with your property. A bad tenant can be a very expensive ordeal due to lost rent and damage to the property. While no background check can eliminate the risk of a problem tenant, our thorough examination can significantly reduce your risk.
There are several factors that go into our fee structure. Please contact us for more information.
The tenant makes all payments to Primarily Property Management LLC. Security deposits are maintained in one escrow account, while rents and other payments are kept in a separate escrow account. We will deduct our management fees and any other authorized expenses and send the balance to you.
Depending on the fee structure you choose, you will be paid on either the 15th or the 30th of each month.
Our lease gives the tenant a 5 day grace period to pay the rent. On the 6th of the month, late fees are posted and “late notices” are sent to the tenant. Under Georgia law, we must first notify the tenant that they are in default of the lease and the Landlord must “demand possession” of the property before a Dispossessory Warrant can be requested from the court. Demand Letters are issued on the 10th of the month. In the meantime, we attempt to contact the tenant and find out why the rent hasn’t been paid.
If we still haven’t received the rent by the middle of the month, depending on the particular circumstances with each tenant, we file a Dispossessory Warrant with the court. As needed, we attend court dates, ask the court for a Writ of Possession, and meet the sheriff at the property with a “put out” crew to remove the tenant and their belongings from the property. We are retained by you to protect your interests. If the tenant can’t pay the rent, we need to find a new one that can.
The tenant reports all maintenance issues directly to us. We will take care of coordinating the repair between the tenant and the contractor. We will deduct the repair costs from your rental income. In the event that the repair costs more than the anticipated rent to be collected, we will ask you for immediate payment to take care of the shortage. We will handle emergencies immediately, to protect your property from suffering any further damage.
Yes. If you (we) sell the property to a tenant that we procured, our Management Agreement states that you will pay us a percentage of the purchase price, as we brought you the buyer. We will help prepare the contracts, arrange financing, and coordinate all of the tasks required to successfully close the sale. However, if we did not place the tenant then we don’t expect to get paid a sales commission if the tenant buys the house (unless you ask us to represent you and help with the transaction).
Yes. Many leases include a clause that allows both you and the tenant to terminate the lease early in exchange for paying certain penalties. If you can’t wait until the lease term expires then this clause still gives you the option to sell the property, even though the lease hasn’t expired. Our management agreement doesn’t limit you from selling the property to someone other than your tenant. You can sell it yourself, list it for sale with another broker, or list it for sale with us. As a matter of fact, many of our property owners prefer using us to sell their property, as we have a good working relationship with their tenants.
NO! If you own rental property you will eventually have problems of one kind or another. Whether the problems are related to maintaining the property or dealing with the tenant, there will be problems that need to be resolved. Retaining Primarily Property Management LLC to manage your property will eliminate some, but not all, potential problems. Our experience will help reduce the number of problems related to rental property. Those problems that can’t be avoided must be solved. Our expertise will help reduce the aggravation and potentially higher expenses related to solving these problems. We can’t keep all bad things from happening, but we can handle solving the problem for you so that you don’t have to handle it all by yourself.
For Tenants
Please call our office, or the agent listed in the ad, to complete the pre screening questionnaire and make an appointment to view the property you are interested in.
After viewing the property you will be asked to apply. Once your application has been accepted you will be asked to pay a Rent Reservation Fee which is equal to one month’s rent. The Rent Reservation Fee will remove the property from the market and hold it for you until you move in. On the day your lease begins your Rent Reservation Fee will convert to one month’s rent. The Rent Reservation fee becomes non-refundable 24 hours from the time the payment is received.
If you would like to see one of our listings, please call us at 912-399-9881 or email us at Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 – 5:00.